شاید برای شما هم پیش اومده باشه که Username و Password خودتون در محیط های مجازی سازی رو فراموش کرده باشید ، در ادامه لیستی از Username و Password های پیشفرضی که در محصولات مختلف شرکت VMware هست رو برای همه عزیزان ITPRO به اشتراک می گذاریم ، دقت کنید که به آدرس های URL و نوع محصول بیشتر دقت کنید که Username و Password درستی رو بتونید انتخاب کنید :
مجموعه آموزش مجازی سازی (Virtualization) - مقدماتی تا پیشرفته
Horizon Application Manager
Horizon Connector
vCenter Appliance Configuration
username: root
password: vmware
vCenter Application Discovery Manager
username: root
password: 123456
default ADM management console password is 123456 and the CLI password is ChangeMe
vCenter Chargeback
username: root
password: vmware
vCenter Infrastructure Navigator:
username: root
password: Supplied during OVA deployment
vCenter Log Insight
https:// log_insight-host/
username: admin
password: password specified during initial configuration
vCenter MOB
vCenter Web Client Configuration
username: root
password: vmware
vCenter vSphere Web Client Access
username: root
password: vmware
For vSphere 5.1 = Windows default username: admin@System-Domain
For vSphere 5.1 = Linux (Virtual Appliance) default username: root@System-Domain
For vSphere 5.5 = default username: administrator@vsphere.local
vCenter Single Sign On (SSO)
For vSphere 5.1 = Windows default username: admin@System-Domain
For vSphere 5.1 = Linux (Virtual Appliance) default username: root@System-Domain
password: specified during installation
Adding AD authentication to VMware SSO 5.1
For vSphere 5.5 = default username: administrator@vsphere.local
vCenter Orchestrator Appliance
Appliance Configuration:
change the root password of the appliance Linux user. Otherwise, the first time when you try to log in to the appliance Web console, you will be prompted to change the password.
Orchestrator Configuration:
username: vmware
Orchestrator Client:
username: vcoadmin
password: vcoadmin
Web Operator
username: vcoadmin
password: vcoadmin
vCenter Orchestrator for Windows:
https://IPorDNS:8283 or http://IPorDNS:8282
username: vmware
password: vmware
WebViews: http://orchestrator_server:8280.
vCenter Orchestrator for vCloud Automation Center (built-in):
username: vmware
password: vmware (after initial logon, this password is changed)
vCO Client is accessible from http://vcloud_automation_center_appliance_ip
username: administrator@vsphere.local (or the SSO admin username)
password: specified password for the SSO admin during vCAC-Identity deployment
vCenter Operations
Manager: https://IPorDNS_of_UI_Server
username: admin
password: admin
Admin: https://IPorDNS_of_UI_Server/admin
username: admin
password: admin
CustomUI: https://IPorDNS_of_UI_Server/vcops-custom/
username: admin
password: admin
vCloud Automation Center Identity Appliance
username: root
password: password supplied during appliance deployment
vCloud Automation Center vCAC Appliance
username: root
password: password supplied during appliance deployment
vCloud Automation Center
username: administrator@vsphere.local
password: SSO password configured during deployment
vCloud Automation Center built-in vCenter Orchestrator:
username: vmware
password: vmware (after initial logon, this password is changed)
vCO Client is accessible from http://vcloud_automation_center_appliance_ip
username: administrator@vsphere.local (or the SSO admin username)
password: specified password for the SSO admin during vCAC-Identity deployment
vCloud Connector Node
username: admin
password: vmware
vCloud Connector Server
username: admin
password: vmware
vCloud Director
username: administrator
password: specified during wizard setup
vCloud Director Appliance
username: root
password: Default0
username: vcloud
password: VCloud
vCloud Networking and Security
console to VM
username: admin
password: default
type "enable"
password: default
type "setup" then configure IP settings
VMware Site Recovery Manager:
username: vCenter admin username
password: vCenter admin password
vShield Manager
console to VM
username: admin
password: default
type "enable"
password: default
type "setup" then configure IP settings
vFabric Application Director
root: specified during deployment
password: specified during deplyent
darwin_user password: specified during deployment
admin: specified during deployment
vFabric AppInsight
username: admin
password: specified during OVA deployment
vFabric Data Director
username: created during wizard
password: created during qizard
vFabric Hyperic vApp
username: root
password: hqadmin
vFabric Suite License
View Admin
username: windows credentials
password: windows credentials
vSphere Data Protection Appliance
https://<IP_address_VDP_A ppliance>:8543/vdp-configure/
username: root
password: changeme
vSphere Replication Appliance
username: root
password: You configured the root password during the OVF deployment of the vSphere Replication appliance
Zimbra Appliance Administration Console
username: vmware
password: configured during wizard setup